TRAV Ocean
TRAV Ocean is I privately owned body of water within I private nation of TRAVOtion around I private island of TRAVOSHUN. All three areas within one are governed by I TRAVoted autocracy & are within I own universe called I TRAVerse.
TRAVotion Nation / TRAVerse Universe Colors —> ulTRAViolet, Grey
Surrounding Body of Water —> TRAV Ocean
Universe —> TRAVerse
Nation —> TRAVotion
Ocean —> TRAV Ocean
i land Island —> TRAV O SHUN
Currency —> TRAVI$, exTRAVagant, TRAVestment, TRAVestmint, TRAVault
Gov —> TRAV —> Autotrophy / Autocracy / Autonomy / Autonomy / Autobiography / Autograph
TRAV won ahead of every RACE
TRAVel —> the black / white victory race flag
I’m a TRAV supremacist, TRAV is the 1st of all races, TRAV race1st / racist 🏁
I am racist against all races other than my sole soul, TRAV. I am I individuality race & individuality ethnicity rather than group race & group ethnicity. TRAV RACE is B/W in color genetically (I genetics) & symbolically (TRAV RACE victory flag).
Chess Checkmate Black King & White Queen is mirror reflective
Heterosexual is mirror reflective
Black & White is mirror reflective
Airol (air ol') & Aryan (Air young lo') is mirror reflective
b (blue) & p (pink) is mirror reflective
M (man) & W (woman) is mirror reflective
Grey is the coming together of black & white. Purple is the coming together of blue & pink.
All those gene qualities being reflected are the most proper procreative attributes of atTRAVtion (attraction). I am the referee of reflection.
All those gene qualities being reflected are the most proper procreative attributes of attraction. I am the referee of reflection.
I am a citizen of TRAVotion (TRAV nation), that is within my own Ocean, TRAV Ocean), that is within my TRAVerse (TRAV universe).
Racism is a deserved natural right just as much as being against it is a natural right. Racism has came from & been directed onto all races forever. There is no logical reason for someone to feel oppressed due to their ethnical race. Racism & slavery has came from and been directed onto all races forever. There were and are Black slave masters who have owned White slaves, Black slaves, Spanish slaves, Asian slaves & everything between. There were and are White slave masters who have owned White slaves, Black slaves, Spanish slaves, Asian slaves and everything between. There were & are Spanish slave masters who have owned White slaves, Black slaves, Spanish slaves, Asian slaves and everything between. There were & are Asian slave masters who have owned White slaves, Black slaves, Spanish slaves, Asian slaves and everything between. TRAV is my RACE, TRAV is half black / half white. The flag at races are half black & half white also.
ulTRAViolet is I energy
url computer generated xxx, rather than irl xxx
Man (Min) (M) + Woman (Wombin) (W) —> ulTRAViolet —> is autosexual heterosexual (When heterosexual people are attracted to individual self & opposite mirror gender, M attracted to W yet M attracted to his individual self. W attracted to W yet attracted to her individual self) is the only acceptable relationship romantically & sexually other than heterosexaulity without autosexuality. The reason autosexaulity heterosexuality is nessacaary is not being sexaully active with self. It's the atTRAVtion / attraction / admiration of self to self, while being all heterosexual in sexual activeness. I am ulTRAV / ultra knowledgeable of I own spirit / body / energy, therefore to further refine I atTRAVtion / attraction / admiration of self to self & heterosexual women I am autosexual heterosexual. I also recognize in the digital era that I can produce I own xxxTRAVert virtual media, therefore I can literally invent I own heterosexual Woman rather than need one invented who was born &/or invented herself. Autonomous atTRAVtions, true ideal top level autosexual heterosexual is I practicing absence amongst autosexual heterosexual atTRAVtion attraction, the I'ist highist I select purist celebacy the I'ist highist I become a celebrity, the level right below that is to invent I own purist pristine xxxTRAVert autosexual heterosexual url media activity & then the level right below that is to have autosexual heterosexual irl activity
ulTRAViolet is purple. Hence per pole. b+p, blue + pink, b & p face opposite directions and this is exemplified in masculinity & femininity genetically
Genetically black men are at the forefront of masculinity & white blonde women are at the forefront of femininity. Black & White are opposites, just like man & woman, just like blue and pink. Blue is generally a darker color than pink across its various shades. Black hair grows shorter across both genders generally in the black race, this is a reason that genetically the black man is the primary example of masculinity genetically, also considering that black men have the most dominant masculine features chemically & physically across all races. Blonde hair is the opposite of black hair hue & structurally therefore placing the blonde white woman as the primary example of femininity energy
uTRAViolet is confirmed through TRAVIS, plus also science & religious doctrines
The Law of atTRAVtion (attraction) is exemplified from science, through physics & magnetics. Positive & negative connect.
Although I know that the TRAVel is the literal universal pinnacle, the Bible states that God created light after darkness already was already the only existent. Therefore God was darkness himself. I don’t bring this up to support the Bible. I TRAVel is the most influential, yet the Bible is influential to some people & it recognizes that God is a black light (ulTRAViolet) man, that created light
ulTRAViolet is black light yet uTRAViolet is neutral purple —> TRAVIS TRAVEL was genetically produced from neutral, b/w, b/p & m/w
Purple —> Pur / Pole —> Pure Pole —> Poles are opposites —> ulTRAViolet purple black light means the soul is infiniti possessing all existing within, b/w, b/p & m/w are all opposites yet in one. TRAV RACE / ulTRAViolet / purple black / light is pure. Mixing is actually the separation of two differences, especially opposites
TRAVIS leads TRAVotion. TRAVIS' REVerends are in REVerent TRAVotion (devotion) to TRAVIS' Autotrophy / Autocracy / Autonomy / Autolatry / Autobiograohy / Autograph. TRAVIS take the wheel.
TRAVotion has replaced the action of an election. TRAVotion is Autotrophy Autocracy Autolatry Autonomy. I TRAVote (devote) to TRAV and don't need a vote other than I own. When I TRAVote to TRAV that is the unanimous win. TRAVotion is beyond a vote & shuns other votes, welcoming TRAV AUTOcRACY regardless of the opinion of them who want a vote. I am I optimal choice. TRAVoted, the higher power than DEVoted, the higher than DEVout & the higher power than DEVotion