
TRAVotion is I private nation that is part of I TRAVerse & oversees I TRAVOSHUN private island & I TRAV Ocean private body of water. All three areas within one are governed by I TRAVoted autocracy & are within I own universe called I TRAVerse. 

TRAVotion Nation / TRAVerse Universe Colors: ulTRAViolet, Grey

Surrounding Body of Water: TRAV Ocean

Universe: TRAVerse

Nation: TRAVotion

Ocean: TRAV Ocean

i land Island: TRAV O SHUN

Currency: TRAVI$, exTRAVagant, TRAVestment, TRAVestmint, TRAVault

Gov --> TRAV… Autocracy / Autolatry / Autonomy


 TRAV won ahead of every RACE

TRAVel = the black / white victory race flag

I’m a TRAV supremacist, TRAV is the 1st of all races, TRAV race1st / racist 🏁

TRAV is my race

I'm a TRAV supremacist, TRAV is the 1st of all races, TRAV race1st / racist 🏁

I am racist against all races other than my sole soul, TRAV. I am I individuality race & individuality ethnicity rather than group race & group ethnicity. TRAV RACE is B/W in color genetically (my actual genetics) & symbolically (TRAV RACE victory flag).

TRAV (Airol) + SNOW (Aryan) (B/W race flag)

TRAV is TRAV The TRAVelman (Airol) (gentleman) + SNOW (Aryan) my chic bird girlfriend

Chess Checkmate Black King & White Queen is mirror reflective

Heterosexual is mirror reflective

Black & White is mirror reflective

Airol (air ol') & Aryan (Air young) is mirror reflective

b (blue) & p (pink) is mirror reflective

M (man) & W (woman) is mirror reflective

Grey is the coming together of black & white. Purple is the coming together of blue & pink.

All those gene qualities being reflected are the most proper procreative attributes of atTRAVtion (attraction). I am the referee of reflection.

I have the ethnicity of TRAVotion, Jamaica, Britain, & Australia. My descent is of islander culture, also growing up in South Florida in the Island areas. I am half black and half white historically, yet currently I am TRAV. TRAV is my race because I am an individual and have recreated myself beyond all past lineage starting my own that will just consist of myself forever.

TRAVIS leads TRAVotion. TRAVIS' REVerends are in REVerent TRAVotion (devotion) to TRAVIS' AUTOlatry / AUTOcracy / AUTOnomy. TRAVIS take the wheel.