TRAVotion is I devotion entries. Self-motivation & self-devotion is what keeps I driven.
travtrav —> teletrav / teletravi / teletravl
^ telepathy 👑🧠🔭
TRAVIS crown & TRAVlab coat —> spiritualist scientist realm of absolute peace 👑🧠☀️🎖️🏆🥇🔭^ TRAVIS the 1st / I’st / High1st / Highist in the TRAV’l TRAVel int’l intel telescope
TRAVIS TRAVEL —> TRAVotion / TRAV ocean ^ InCarNation / incarnation, I take care / CARe / c air of our nation, Sea / Air / Car —> TRAVever forever come in peace ☮️🛸
TRAV 👑 —> TRAVel int’l / intel 🔭 Autotrophy / Autocracy / Autonomy / Autolatry / Autobiography / Autograph
TRAV 👁️🗨️🏁🛸🔭 search engine —> TRAVel int’l intel telescope —> I —> 1
TRAV —> I’m forever perfecting therefore I’ll never be perfect —> I’m perfectionist / perfection1st —> Perfection itself can forever be perfected whether that’s securing staying perfect &/or perfecting extra —> I tell I if I’m not the 1st in perfection than I am not directing I in the right direction —> TRAVIS perfectionist / perfection1st
TRAV —> The extra I do right the extra I’m entitled, righteous is the right choice, having rights is for the righteous TRAVIS —> TRAV IS
TRAV —> If you do wrong, you will think wrong & say wrong, vice versa, wrong is wrong, every soul & goal should be good —> TRAV type is right
TRAV —> District of TRAVilah (DOT) in the (DMV) is above District of Columbia —> strict TRAVel law —> TRAVel int’l intel agency —> TRAVIS TRAVEL the TRAVersal UNIversal autocracy auto<racy
TRAVIS TRAVEL —> TRAV ol’ man —> TRAVelman —> TRAV is ahead of father time & time TRAVel —> TRAV’l TRAVel int’l intel agency —> TRAVel age n’ see infiniti
TQ for TRAV (TRAVelman’s QUARTERly)
TRAVelman —> TRAVel int’l INTELligent agency
GQ for a GENT agent (GENTelman’s quarterly)
TRAV time TRAVel, timeless
TRAV magazine man of forever
iTRAV / 1TRAV / infiniti TRAV, watch
TRAVIS / TRAV$ —> In finance it’s all infinince —> infiniti —> I —> 1 —> 1% —> % —> 0/0 —> 0 = 1 —> TRAVIS / TRAV$ Wholeness / Holiness / Oneness —> The Superposition Quantum Loophole ♾️
TRAV —> I TRAVIS TRAVEL am the reason I am immortal
All doors adore Travis Travel —> They all become a TRAVdoor —> autodoor open automation —> for TRAV it’s the expectation
TRAV —> I disregard the songs I released before this, I’m above all that & I should have released I refined TRAVault / TRAVolt instead —> The good TRAVel int’l intel is smart, the root, the route, of true art, TRAVIS, I’ist / I’1st
TRAV —> Superposition or superstition? I have the answer for I on that question
TRAVIS app —> TRAV is app —> TRAVel int’l intel TRAVIS/TRAV$/TRAVs TOUR TRAV store TRAVacation —> APPLe int’l intel App Store Application —> I/1 —> Point of the forbidden fruit of Knowledge was for it to not be eaten since I know all from I & only from I —> The Metaphysical Metaphor is to not consume enlightenment & to instead always be your own/won/I/1 intel —> Once one is externally indoctrinated, thine becomes ignorant rather than infinite —> The forbidden fruit was a Metaphysical Metaphor referring to Knowledge itself, I decide how literal the literary is for I —> The TRAVel —> Via iTRAV
TRAV —> 1, the Ist/1st number taught is superior to the rest of the number system —> Instead of math delving further into a pointless labyrinth of numerical systems that can only lead to infiniti/1 —> Those of I’ist intel implement 1 —> I/1 is perpetual TRAVel —> Once all is known skip to the point, therefore never leave the point, there is no start or end, I/1
TRAV 👑 —> No thyself therefore you will further know thy —> SELF —> I'm always choosing never indulging in all that is below Iself
TRAV —> The upmost supreme form of rebellion is self correction / self righteous right choices —> Rebellious righteousness is I I’ist purpose 👑
TRAVIS TRAVel fitness ritual / TRAVIS TRAVel self care spa
TRAVel INTel —> Foreign bird migration can be used to spy while they fly & land, it’s an int’l intel measure that quite literally goes over peoples’ heads, most drones are too obvious of being drones regardless of how stealth, whereas the quality fake birds & real birds can’t be told apart, with real birds also being plantable with spy measures —> A true no-fly zone refers to birds as well
The brew, T He Brew, T brew —> T 🏆Autotrophy / Autotroph —> TRAVtrophy / TRAVtroph
Travel —> Tunravel —> T unravel —> T, TRAV, TAV RAV, the intel profit prophet, tell of eve, tell of b4 (before), I am the T
TRAVel is the (E) energy of the TRAVcraft 🛸, TRAVcraft TRAVel doesn’t require (E) electricity, TRAVcraft TRAVels on (E) empty —> TRAV ☥ankh Tank E3 —> formula
They want the T on T,R,A,V
TRAVIS pen stylus (stylist/style1st)
TRAVel autoTRAV autograph autocracy
(write / ritual / rite / right) 🪄✨
The 🏁 TRAV RACE flag is for The TRAV RACE AUTOcRACY one world government
TRAV’l / TRAVel ( int’l intel ) 🏁 ( Interracial / International / Intelligence )
TRAVel / MODel / INTel int’l agency
TRAV the AUTOtroph, TRAV won, TRAV one —> never ate, never 8, WINd gust August 8/1/2024, WINtist / WIN T 1st, rather than just WINter
TRAVel soonist / soon1st, sooner than FAST / FASTing, no to TIME to I TRAV, TRAV is far above TIME TRAVel, T WIN instead of TWIN, TRAVcraft pLATE never LATE, can’t FEED me, TRAV is AUTOtrophy, TRAV is AUTOcracy, TRAVel intel int’l
TRAV is FAR above FEDeral
TRAVel intel int’l government
CARTel far under it
TRAVel Sparkle Bubble Ideology Society 🫧✨
I now owning totally Electric Vehicles & cleaner energy will be applied to all I crafts, I TRAVcrafts have been electrical vehicles & cleaner than electrical since the start, yet any other aerocrafts, geocrafts, & hydrocrafts I own from other brands now on, I make sure they are further closer to autotrophy energy (self producing it’s capability of perpetual motion TRAVel even when stationary, it produces suppressible &/or amplifiable energy, that is storable &/or sharable
I am the most I
TRAV spiritual spirit symbol, I am I sole spiritual guide of I soul, the arrowhead spear, autotrav autograph
TRAV, I, won, I, one —> third eye & third I is ignorant, iii = ill, win (when) I don’t tri (try), I win, I’m WINking
TRAV is the inspiration for the wise owl, the yz ol’, the wise 1, …yz over —> 1 over 1 —> 1 of 1 —> 01 —> 1
TRAVol’cation, I am the travol’ above, nothing low of I ‘cation, TRAV is above every location, ol’ opposite of lo, I opposite of X, 1 (01) opposite of 10 (10), caution, shun the under
TRAVoCABulARY —> Heol’ (heal) (ol’) (I) (1) instead of He’ll (Hell) (I’ll) (ill) (will) —> I ((h)i) instead of hello (hell low)
TRAVl 1st —> TRAVL 1st —> TRAVlist —> TRAV list
TRAVIS apostrophe
TRAVIS a post trophy
I won’t be possessed, I possess I
TRAV, OL’ —> ol’ —> 01’ —> 1’ —> 1🏆
TRAVIS —> TRAV$ —> TRAVionaire 💸
I TRAV LEAD I & I never follow anything, therefore I never follow social medias, I RISE, never fall low, I LEAD never follow
TRAV + “I am all living —> I have I livet, I have I livalect —> I have no diet, I have no dialect —> I am I idol, I am autotroph autotrophi, I’er than ital, I’er than I tall”
1 / Travis Travel / TT / T win / < lone
(Twin) (Clone)
TRAV #i —> 1 is truly spelled as i, i is the true won, one & own, spelled in i (1) letter. i write 1 the right way, i, 1 (I) & i (I) look same. Won, one & own are all spelled in three letter & nuh write i so, therefore all not i is inferior
Correction is my core 🪩
I’m my i-ist power <— i-1st <— 1-ist <— 1-1st i TRAV have more power than highest power
I, Travis Travel, can lend Apple some islands on oceans and Apple can then lend them for monthly subscriptions to individuals &/or corporations, calling them… i lens / i lends / i $lands… therefore I lend the island & I lend the I lend…
I’m sole1st, I’m soleist, I’m soler than solar🥇👑☀️ #1 #AUTOtrophy #AUTOtroph
#TRAV I'm the sole soul in control of my soul —>
VVS1 in my CARtilage earrings —> TRAVerse —> won 👑
I oversee the see eye aye ᐂ —> I, who oversees, decides the over cease, even overseas —> Watch, I’m father TIME TRAVel
TIME TRAVel is the past
TIME TRAV is the present
TIME TRAVenue is the future
May18 / Mating / Day18 / Dating
Writ part of my TRAV AUTObiography @ my RITz CARlton Royal Suite 👑
TRAV + “Know your rights & know your writes, that’s PROper spelling” 🪄
TRAVIS TRAVEL company compass
Check May8 / Checkmate 👑 🏁
Being the sober most high is the key to all power 🏆 AUTOtrophy —> A drug is called a drug because it drags people down, getting high from something is called getting high from something because a drug user is low
I’m driven in determination
My quotes are typed with my TRAV autograph + compass/professional symbol 1st… I never do the typical negative dash symbol being placed last after my quote & quotation marks
TRAV + “I’ve always known I’m more powerful than any spiritual, physical, mental & all universal existence & I will forever remain the most powerful… God, Devil, and all that are under me in hierarchy…”
TRAV shape --> xTRAVertx
TRAVL + x + vertical + vertex
Inspired by TRAVΛ… --> TRAVl
Shapes -> +, x, V, Λ, >, <
I’m TIME Magazine Man Of The Infinity, rather than just the year #TRAVIS #TIMETRAVel
Perfection1st Perfectionîst Perfectionist
The most powerful bloodline to ever exist. The inTRAVenous (IV) bloodline of TRAVIS…
TRAVIS… TRAV is the most REVered (Rev Eared / Revered) AUTOcRACY (Autocracy / AUTO<RACY) & street race scene / street race sing / street racing… TRAVerse, TRAV vs, TRAV verse
TRAVIS / TRAV is : Career / CAReer / Car Ear : Autocracy / AUTOcRACY / AUTO<RACY : Revered / REVered / REV eared : TRAVerse / TRAV vs / TRAV verse
AUTOtrophy / AUTOcracy / AUTOlatry / AUTOnomy / AUTOgraph
TRAVIS leads TRAVotion. TRAVIS' REVerends are in REVerent TRAVotion (devotion) to TRAVIS' AUTOlatry / AUTOcracy / AUTOnomy / AUTOgraph. TRAVIS take the wheel.
I don't need, needs need me.
TRAVotion Nation / TRAVerse Universe Colors —> ulTRAViolet, Grey
Surrounding Body of Water —> TRAV Ocean
Universe —> TRAVerse
Nation —> TRAVotion
Ocean —> TRAV Ocean
i land Island —> TRAV O SHUN
Currency —> TRAVI$, exTRAVagant, TRAVestment, TRAVestmint, TRAVault
Gov —> TRAV —> Autotrophy / Autocracy / Autonomy / Autonomy / Autobiography / Autograph
TRAV won ahead of every RACE
TRAVel —> the black / white victory race flag
I’m a TRAV supremacist, TRAV is the 1st of all races, TRAV race1st / racist 🏁
I am racist against all races other than my sole soul, TRAV. I am I individuality race & individuality ethnicity rather than group race & group ethnicity. TRAV RACE is B/W in color genetically (I genetics) & symbolically (TRAV RACE victory flag).
Chess Checkmate Black King & White Queen is mirror reflective opposites
Autosexual Heterosexual is mirror reflective opposites
Black & White is mirror reflective opposites
Airol (air ol') & Aryan (Air young lo') is mirror reflective opposites
b (blue) & p (pink) is mirror reflective opposites
M (man) & W (woman) is mirror reflective opposites
Grey is the coming together of black & white. Purple is the coming together of blue & pink.
All those gene qualities being reflected are the most proper procreative attributes of atTRAVtion (attraction). I am the referee of reflection.
All those gene qualities being reflected are the most proper procreative attributes of attraction. I am the referee of reflection.
I am a citizen of TRAVotion (TRAV nation), that is within my own Ocean, TRAV Ocean), that is within my TRAVerse (TRAV universe).
Racism is a deserved natural right just as much as being against it is a natural right. Racism has came from & been directed onto all races forever. There is no logical reason for someone to feel oppressed due to their ethnical race. Racism & slavery has came from and been directed onto all races forever. There were and are Black slave masters who have owned White slaves, Black slaves, Spanish slaves, Asian slaves & everything between. There were and are White slave masters who have owned White slaves, Black slaves, Spanish slaves, Asian slaves and everything between. There were & are Spanish slave masters who have owned White slaves, Black slaves, Spanish slaves, Asian slaves and everything between. There were & are Asian slave masters who have owned White slaves, Black slaves, Spanish slaves, Asian slaves and everything between. TRAV is my RACE, TRAV is half black / half white. The flag at races are half black & half white also.
ulTRAViolet is I energy
url computer generated xxx, rather than irl xxx
Man (Min) (M) + Woman (Wombin) (W) —> ulTRAViolet —> is autosexual heterosexual (When heterosexual people are attracted to individual self & opposite mirror gender, M attracted to W yet M attracted to his individual self. W attracted to W yet attracted to her individual self) is the only acceptable relationship romantically & sexually other than heterosexaulity without autosexuality. The reason autosexaulity heterosexuality is nessacaary is not being sexaully active with self. It's the atTRAVtion / attraction / admiration of self to self, while being all heterosexual in sexual activeness. I am ulTRAV / ultra knowledgeable of I own spirit / body / energy, therefore to further refine I atTRAVtion / attraction / admiration of self to self & heterosexual women I am autosexual heterosexual. I also recognize in the digital era that I can produce I own xxxTRAVert virtual media, therefore I can literally invent I own heterosexual Woman rather than need one invented who was born &/or invented herself. Autonomous atTRAVtions, true ideal top level autosexual heterosexual is I practicing absence amongst autosexual heterosexual atTRAVtion attraction, the I'ist highist I select purist celebacy the I'ist highist I become a celebrity, the level right below that is to invent I own purist pristine xxxTRAVert autosexual heterosexual url media activity & then the level right below that is to have autosexual heterosexual irl activity
ulTRAViolet is purple. Hence per pole. b+p, blue + pink, b & p face opposite directions and this is exemplified in masculinity & femininity genetically
Genetically black men are at the forefront of masculinity & white blonde women are at the forefront of femininity. Black & White are opposites, just like man & woman, just like blue and pink. Blue is generally a darker color than pink across its various shades. Black hair grows shorter across both genders generally in the black race, this is a reason that genetically the black man is the primary example of masculinity genetically, also considering that black men have the most dominant masculine features chemically & physically across all races. Blonde hair is the opposite of black hair hue & structurally therefore placing the blonde white woman as the primary example of femininity energy
uTRAViolet is confirmed through TRAVIS, plus also science & religious doctrines
The Law of atTRAVtion (attraction) is exemplified from science, through physics & magnetics opposites per pole connect.
ulTRAViolet is black light yet uTRAViolet is neutral purple —> TRAVIS TRAVEL was genetically produced from neutral, b/w, b/p & m/w
Purple —> Pur / Pole —> Pure Pole —> Poles are opposites —> ulTRAViolet purple black light means the soul is infiniti possessing all existing within, b/w, b/p & m/w are all opposites yet in one. TRAV RACE / ulTRAViolet / purple black / light is pure. Mixing is actually the separation of two differences, especially opposites
Î TRAVIS di most Î, I TRAVIS di most I, high TRAVIS di most high.
I’m I only profit. I’m I only prophet. I don’t need to sell I soul. I sole/soul is soled & souled only to I self. Î, I, i, 1, won, sole, soul.
1° soleangle shape
January my birth month is the best in the WINter, WON, ONE 🏁 #TRAVerse #TRAVIS #TRAVel
WINk ;-) i won / eye one
TRAVel 1 🏁 TRIPle 3…
TRAV 🛸 has no comedown unlike a
TRAVel 🏁
Î above the triangle
1 up the (try/tri /3), winning is a matter of force (fours) moving (forth/fourth/IV)
1 v, 1 versus, won versus, I have (I’ve)
1 to 3 I skip over 2 I ᐂ