Authorized Authoritarian Author

Control all you wish to control. Make command and don't take command. I'll be generous enough to give away the programming on my Authorized Authoritarian Author ways. 


Autocracy & Monopoly are the systems of order that are carry out the order of proper organization. Democracy lack proper direction. The masses & the majority should not control existence, for they are ignorant & inconsistent in contrast to the elitist one. I am indifferent to the  suggestions, opinions, dominions, directions & all existence other than my own creations & curations. 

When voting there is an assumption that the people will reach a balanced conclusion in favor of what they call the “popular opinion”. The truth is that what is truly popular can be led by one individual. One individual can singlehandedly change what is popular to everyone else by being the leader of every perceiver. 

It is totally illogical to ever feel guilty for carrying out your totalitarian ideology through your autocracy. If you felt guilty then you are putting yourself in submission to the dominion of group opinion or coup opinion. The group opinion being your priority is you ignorantly wanting to conform to majority. The coup opinion being your priority is you ignorantly allowing another entity than thee to singly control the through autocracy & monopoly, rather than the be the primary authority.

I, TRAVIS, am the primary authority of autocracy & monopoly. Whether it’s existentially, spiritually, theology, governmentally, or any other form of society… I am the only leader of all order. 

People following & submitting to your directing is either their true will or their hopeless conforming of wishing guilting upon your conscious so they can take your place of autocracy. 

All your energy within you and outside of you should be to evolve you higher as the main character, director and perfecter forever. 

TRAVIS, Authorized Authoritarian Author


Autocracy & Monopoly are the systems of order that are carry out the order of proper organization. Democracy lacks proper direction. The masses & the majority should not control existence, for they are ignorant & inconsistent in contrast to the elitist one. I am indifferent to the suggestions, opinions, dominions, directions & all existence other than my own creations & curations. 

When voting there is an assumption that the people will reach a balanced conclusion in favor of what they call the “popular opinion”. The truth is that what is truly popular can be led by one individual. One individual can singlehandedly change what is popular to everyone else by being the leader of every perceiver. 

It is totally illogical to ever feel guilty for carrying out your totalitarian ideology through your autocracy. If you felt guilty then you are putting yourself in submission to the dominion of group opinion or coup opinion. The group opinion being your priority is you ignorantly wanting to conform to majority. The coup opinion being your priority is you ignorantly allowing another entity than thee to singly control the through autocracy & monopoly, rather than the be the primary authority.

I, TRAVIS, am the primary authority of autocracy & monopoly. Whether it’s existentially, spiritually, theology, governmentally, or any other form of society… I am the only leader of all order. 

People following & submitting to your directing is either their true will or their hopeless conforming of wishing guilting upon your conscious so they can take your place of autocracy. 

All your energy within you and outside of you should be to evolve you higher as the main character, director and perfecter forever. 

Chapter 1: Autolatry

To worship any other than thine self is abomination to thine self. Existence will still worship me yet I chose to worship not existence other than myself.

I, TRAVIS, am my own religion. My religion revolves around me, TRAVIS, being my highest power ever. My religion is named after me and is therefore named TRAVIS. 

I grew up knowing of people who worship entities they claimed is higher than themself. I have always never been able to perceive the possibility of a higher power than me being a rational belief. I have always known I am the higher power to ever exist and I will forever know that. 

Knowing I am the forever leader of autolatry autocracy autonomy is my effortless gnostic reality. There is no reason to undermine or inflate my power. My soul is the sole soul. I am the one as in the first place, I am the one as in the most exclusive (1%) , I am the one as in most singled out & I am the one as in the oneness of all existence, infinity. 

I appreciate other existence other than myself in the perspective of it being a component to my autolatry autocracy autonomy masterpiece of TRAVIS. I can have myself without needing others, but I can’t have others without needing myself. I am my priority obviously. 

I have already mentioned I don’t worship any other than myself. So it’s obvious I find the concept of God, Devil or any other existence to be subordinates of me. There are people who have been perceived as powerful by others or perceived themselves as powerful by calling themselves God. Me as TRAVIS, I rather be known as TRAVIS, rather than God, God is a subordinate name in comparison to my name of supremacy, TRAVIS. I am not a replicator or imitator. I am a 1of1 ruler. If I was to replicate or imitate another soul, that would be demotion from my already most high position.  

Chapter 2: Autocracy

To allow any entity to govern me is an abomination to thine self. I refuse to be governed by any entity, whether it’s democracy, monarchy, oligarchy or autocracy. I, TRAVIS, am the authority. 

Democracy is weak. The masses of followers think that following votes of the masses is any better than following commands of a single autocrat. They know they don’t have the power to be an autocrat so they resort to trying to eradicate the possibility of an autocracy with their ignorant group fairness policy. I know that my autolatry autocracy autonomy operating in singularity is better than bipartisan, democracy, monarchy, oligarchy or any other government systems. 

Chapter 3: Autonomy

To allow any entity to be your provider or creator is an abomination to thine self. I refuse to be dependent on any entity. Even if I use the energy of another entity or entities, I refuse to do it dependently, the only time I will use another’s energy is when I with autonomy am putting use to what I can easily achieve myself. Achieving all energy and creativity is within my capability of autonomy. 

I support monopoly. Why would I not utilize my TRAVantage (advantage) on everything when I feel like doing so. I will not weaken my power to stoop to the shallow level of fairness, balance and the masses.

Chapter 4: IV / VAIN



IV. I’ve. I have.

IV blood.

Ivy league. 

4th. Fourth. Forth. 

When it comes to family I am focused on what is forth. The forward. The future. IV is the vanity, the vain, the blood. 

Again I am focused on the forth. For worth. The goal of family is worth. 

See, weak entities will claim vanity is being in vain, as in the definition of worthless and futile. 

The powerful know that vanity is the valuable vain of IV, fourth, forth. For worth.

I support nepotism yet selfist selfism is what I support more. I feel that people coming from a powerful family can make them so hyped about their bloodline that singularity is not as much of a priority to them as family. I didn’t fall into that distracted philosophy. Although I have a powerful family bloodline, I still am my priority in the IV/vain philosophy. Some people will make their IV/vain (blood/glory) about their family whereas I make it about me. I'm a TRAV supremacist, TRAV is the 1st of all races, TRAV race1st / racist 🏁

Chapter 5: Selfist over Selfish

For those who are against selfishness, selfishness is not enough. Selfish is about being about yourself. Selfist is about being the most about yourself. Hence suffix, -ist vs -ish. -ist is most whereas -ish is partially. 

Chapter 6: One Own Won

One, Own, Won can all be pronounced the same and inherently have the same energy. If you don’t own all, then you can be owned. 

The main reason people shy away from owning themself, others or both is for various reasons. Some reasons are:

1. Feeling guilty due to admirability of the other entity

2. Feeling ashamed to own what they think is undesirable

3. Or liability for the responsibility whether forever optimal or potentially undesirable in the future. 

Chapter 7: Soul Sole

Being single is the greatest TRAVantage (advantage) a soul can gave. Even if you are in a couple relationship, still have your priority be your singularity.

Chapter 8: Infinity... 1 vs 8

The vertical version of the infinity symbol is the number 8. The number 1 is the best comparison to infinity and the number 8 is the weaker comparison to infinity. One means being singled out from the infinite rest, therefore opposite of the infinity, yet one can also mean everything combined together with nothing being singled out. 

Chapter 9: I Determine Reality

The majority of society regards to "reality" as having a higher authority than what the command of and already find of the universe already. Those people that aren't leading and creating their own reality for all other reality to follow will forever be enslaved to the reality that is forced by another's ideology. I define all existence for myself regardless of what matrix limiters are already placed on others or that I have placed on others. As a leader who moves with autonomy autolatry autocracy, I don't have to be the controller who is more focused on bringing all my dominion together under my order in a high maintenance manner. I manage my dominion by effortlessly leading, therefore regardless of how out of my order things might be portrayed or become, I still have dominion over it because my sole soul energy is more significant than the entirety of the rest of infinity when considering anthing other than me. I don't care to convince anyone. Why would I convince when I already know for them, therefore either way my optimal is universal and non-optional.